About Me

My name is Mike and I absolutely love front-end development, ever since I started practicing it professionally in 2006. I’m a strong advocate for performance optimization and frontend architecture.

The journey of turning beautiful designs into semantic mark-up has turned my attention more and more towards CSS architecture as the challenges kept getting steeper in time.
My current approach involves Cube CSS with a BEM-infused naming standard.

I have a deep understanding of web performance and optimization techniques, as well as a keen eye for user experience.

As a subject matter expert on Frontend Performance, I’m supporting the up-skilling and mentoring of fellow engineers at XWP to achieve outstanding results when working on projects improving performance. I love working with this team to create amazing web experiences.

I constantly research and explore new technologies and trends in the web development world, that’s why you’ll find me tinkering with code driven by curiosity and the constant need to fix complex problems.

Main specialties:

  • Web Performance Optimisation
  • Frontend Architecture
  • WordPress Development
  • Automation and Developer Tooling
  • Progressive Web Apps

Areas of special interest:

  • WordPress Block Editor
  • User Experience Design
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Artificial Intelligence
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